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45th Old Campground Antiques, Collectibles Flea Market​​


The United Methodist Church of New Lenox will welcome visitors to the 45th annual Old Campground Antiques, Collectibles, Flea Market and Craft Avenue on Saturday, September 21 from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. The huge all-day sale of antiques, primitives and crafts will take place outdoors in the historic church campgrounds located just off U.S. Route 30, one mile east of Interstate 80, Exit 137 in downtown New Lenox. The flea market showcases 75 to 100 booths. Free entertainment will be provided on the outdoor stage by members of the United Methodist Church of New Lenox. The event is well attended and well-advertised. There will be plenty of free parking and admission to the flea market is free. Sloppy Joes, pulled pork, hot dogs etc. will be sold by the church. All proceeds from this event will support church programs and ministries. The rain date is Sunday, September 22 from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. For further information phone 815-485-8271


​Exhibitors are sought for the 45th Old Campground Antiques, Collectibles FLEA MARKET and Craft Show!  The 15 x 20 ft. spaces are available for $40.00 each. This fundraiser helps support church ministries. For application and information call 815-485-8271, Ext. 53 or print out a registration form here.  ** Please note, this form cannot be filled out online- only printed.


Youth Group


Youth Group hosts a weekly youth program for 6-12 grade students every Wednesday from 7:00 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. We would love for you to join us! Keep in touch via email and text by texting JOINUYM to 84576 or connect online with us at 


For a complete list of all upcoming church happenings, click HERE​​​​


​​​For the latest updates, please check out monthly newsletter HERE



There are ongoing fellowship opportunities at UMCNL where you can find Christian connection and community. Some of these include:​


United Methodist Women Circles

Here at UMCNL, we have a variety of ways women can be involved and grow spiritually, become more centered in Christ, and put faith into action. Below are the different circles available:


Ruth Circle

Contact Person:

Bobbie Baird / (815) 485-6586.


Lydia Circle


Mary Circle

Contact Person:

Anna Melton / (815) 485-3010.


Naomi Circle

Attention young ladies of UMCNL: consider joining our circle! New members are welcome. We meet monthly for food, fellowship, and fun! 


Hannah Circle

Contact Person:

Cheryl Bruozas/ (708) 429-9151


Sarah Circle

Contact Person:

Teresa Randolph / (815) 464-4491


United Methodist Mens Groups

Here at UMCNL, we have opportunities for men to focus on spiritual growth. The focus is outward, assisting all men to engage in this process through bible studies, retreats, small groups, or other opportunities.


Fellowship Breakfast:

UMM Monthly fellowship breakfast will next meet Saturday, September 8th at 8:00 a.m. at UMCNL.  Enjoy fellowship and a breakfast to be remembered! All are welcome!


Friendship Group

Our next “Friendship Group” luncheon will be Thursday, September 19 at Noon at 3 Corners Restaurant in New Lenox at 901 E. Lincoln Hwy. The Sponsors are Beverly Deptolla and Marsha Nelson. If you plan to attend contact Chuck Kozielski at 815-485-5966. All are invited 55+. Bring a friend!


We have multiple opportunities to make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Our ensembles meet September through May.


Vocal choirs


  • Chancel Choir (adults) meets Thursdays at 7 pm in the sanctuary

  • Youth Choir (grades 7-12) meets Thursdays at 6 pm in the sanctuary

  • Celeste choir (grades K-6) meets Thursdays at 5 pm in the sanctuary


Bell Choirs


  • Celebration Bells (experienced/adults) meets Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in the sanctuary. Auditions will be held if you wish to join.

  • Herald Bells (advanced/High school and up) meets Wednesdays at 6:45 pm in the sanctuary.

  • Joy Bells (beginner/Junior High and up) meets Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary.


There are many teams and committees you can join to be God’s hands and feet in our church and community. If you are interested in serving, please contact the church office. These opportunities include:


  • Administrative Council

  • Staff Parish* 

  • Finance*

  • Endowment

  • Trustees

  • Worship 

  • Mission 

  • Christian Education

  • Membership

  • Memorials 

  • Nominations 

  • Children’s Ministry Council

  • Youth Council

  • Stewardship


*indicates membership in the church is required to serve on this team.


If you are interested in learning more about Care Team, please contact Debbie Speicher.


Marriages can be difficult to maintain. Misunderstanding, confusion, resentment, and anger can flare up in any marriage. Several couples at our church serve other families as marriage counselors. Their role in listening, understanding, helping, and encouraging struggling couples has, by God’s grace, saved marriages, and repaired relationships. Couples have found fresh hope and new joy in a warm and fulfilling relationship with their spouse.


Prayer can move the hand of God. Our church believes deeply in the power of prayer. A team of individuals receives prayer concerns from our congregation from those who have requested prayers. To join this ministry, contact Wendy Miller at 815-485-8271 or



Prayer Shawl Ministry will be meeting on the third Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m. at Bevery Deptolla’s home. (125 Whisper Creek in New Lenox) If you knit or crochet, come join us for fellowship and mission.  Yarn and patterns provided.  If you prefer to work out of your own home arrangements can be made.  Please contact Beverly for more information at (815) 463-8218.


The Comfort Makers sewing group meets on various days throughout the year to make different projects for missions.  They make comforters, backpacks and other items to be used throughout the world.  You don’t even have to know how to sew to join in the fellowship of this wonderful group of ladies. You can cut fabric or iron if sewing is not your forte. If you would like more information, please contact Judy McCune at for the next chance to be a part of this group!


Have you ever wondered about certain aspects of our faith such as the violence attributed to God, when prayers go unanswered, or whether heaven is real? Please join Chapel Bible Study for a new six-week class starting Monday, September 16 from 7 pm to 8:15 pm in the chapel, where these and other topics will be discussed. Sessions will be held September 16, 23, and 30 and October 7,14 and 21. We will be examining six fundamental questions that all Christians ask, using Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith by Adam Hamilton. Please join us for study and discussion! This group will be co-led by retired Methodist pastor Greta McDonald and Marilyn Gallagher. For further information or to order a book, contact Marilyn Gallagher at 815-485-3015.


Do you want to spend time studying independently or just cannot make it to one of our group bible studies? There are several options you have to read God’s word on your own time. Click here for plans and options.

Want to support UMCNL while you are shopping online?
Just click on the Goodshop Logo below! Once on the site, under the tab "Choose a Cause" and search for United Methodist Church of New Lenox. Click on our name as the choice of non-profit to receive a percentage of your purchases from Goodshop and then go shopping on their website! It is as easy as that!
Thank you for your support!




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