Make a Lasting Impact—Now and Beyond Your Lifetime
When you include United Methodist Church of New Lenox (UMCNL) as part of your legacy, your generosity enhances our mission to bring God into the lives that follow us. Thank you for ensuring United Methodist Church of New Lenox can continue to serve our generations to come. Consider creating a planned gift. Thoughtfully structured planned gifts are uniquely powerful in sustaining and growing UMCNL’s ability to spread the word of God to future generations, while often affording exceptional financial and tax benefits to our planned giving donors. This material is intended to provide a basic exposure to the many ways you might consider giving to UMCNL Endowment. Creating an estate plan that includes planned giving can be a complicated process. Click on any of the topics you are interested in to learn more about this giving method. We strongly advise that you seek the help of a qualified attorney, tax advisor or other financial professional(s) who can help develop a plan that meets your specific estate planning goals.
Ways of Giving:
United Methodist Church Endowment
Bequests Through a Will or Living Trust
Giving through a will or living trust is one of the most flexible ways to support the UMCNL Endowment Fund. It allows you to make contributions that may not have been possible during your lifetime, but you can leave a legacy gift of your choice by designating a specific property or cash amount. It can be:
A fixed dollar amount, Certificate of Deposit, or any Cash equivalency.
A percentage of your estate
Real Estate, securities, etc
The balance of your estate after all expenses are paid.